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Installation Guide

Get the latest Resource Surveillance & Integration Engine (surveilr) for Critical Systems by following these steps to complete the installation:

  • Visit our GitHub Releases page:

    • Navigate to our GitHub Releases page to download the latest version of surveilr that’s compatible with your operating system.
  • Download the appropriate version:

    • Select and download the version that matches your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
  • Extract the executable file from the downloaded archive:

    • Windows:

      • Extract the downloaded zip file
      • Copy the executable ( ends with .exe ) file from the extracted zip folder and move to your desired path or directory
      • Open your terminal and change directory (cd) to where the extracted file was moved
    • macOS and Linux:

  • Verify installation.

Alternative Installation for Linux Using Eget

  • Before you can get anything, you have to get Eget:

    Terminal window
    $ curl | sh
  • Now install surveilr using eget:

    Terminal window
    $ eget opsfolio/ --asset tar.gz
  • Run verification steps here.

Verify installation

Run the following command to verify that surveilr is installed correctly:

Terminal window
$ surveilr --version # version information
$ surveilr doctor # dependencies that surveilr uses
$ surveilr --help # get CLI help (pay special attention to ENV var names)

Checkout more commands in the reference section

Upgrading surveilr

The following commands shows how to upgrade surveilr on your:

Terminal window
$ surveilr upgrade ## Upgrades to the latest version
$ surveilr upgrade -v 0.13.0 ## Upgrades to version 0.13.0 if present

When using the command above, you will be prompted to confirm the upgrade by typing yes. However, if you are running the upgrade in a bash script, you won’t be able to provide this confirmation interactively. To address this, we have provided the --yes or --y flag, which automatically skips the confirmation step. Here is how to use it:

Terminal window
## Upgrades to the latest version and skips confirmation
$ surveilr upgrade --yes
## Upgrades to version 0.1.2 if present and skips the confirmation
$ surveilr upgrade -v 0.13.0 --yes

Downgrading surveilr

The following commands shows how to downgrade surveilr to any version:

Terminal window
$ surveilr upgrade -v 0.12.0 ## downgrades to version 0.12.0

This takes the same form as the upgrade command with the only difference being that a lower version is passed.